Lake Wickwas Team Tournament Results – Oct 21, 2012

Five teams participated in this tournament with temperatures in the mid to upper 50’s.  The team of Goss and Campisi takes first place with their total weight for five fish was 16.40 lbs.

First Place:  Boss Goss / Frank Campisi
Lunker of the day: Goss/Campisi with a 4.05 lb largemouth.

PlaceMember Name# FishNet WeightLunkerLM / SMDOA
1Bob Goss
Frank Campisi
816.404.058 / 0
2Paul Hatin
Fed Mackey
711.782.957 / 0
3Alex Murray
John DiStafeno
811.302.388 / 0
4Ivan Sullivan
Jim Holt
610.012.606 / 0
5Ed Brabant III
Ed Brabant Jr
67.206 / 0
Total Fish: 35 / 0Penalties: 0

Ramp: paved condition, steep launch, tight turn-a-round, parking on the street
Water: clear to lightly stained. Temp 57 degrees.
Weeds: in shallow areas, moderate spread.
Weather: Clear conditions. Mid to upper 50’s.  Sunny in am, some gray clouds. 25-30 mph gust rest of the day.