Pawtuckaway Team Tournament Results – July 24, 2016

With blazing heat throughout the day this popular MVMB annual event had a full field of anglers.  Eighteen teams participated in this one and all teams brought their five fish limits to the weigh-in.  The Harris father and son team topped the scales with their winning weight in this one.

PlaceName# FishNet weightLunkerLMSMDOA
1Harris / Harris516.473.9550
2Picardin / Mandrachia516.374.4350
3Welch / Burke514.585.5350
4Sullivan / Mclean514.584.2850
5Brabant / Brabant514.0150
6Titus / Farrell513.514.8850
7Murray / Distefano513.214.2850
8Duclos / Duclos512.663.9850
9Radil / Doherty512.1250
10Savoie / Savoie510.14501
11Jewett / Jewett59.6550
12Needham / DePietro59.6150
13Donovan / Landers59.374.8750
14Bell / Landers58.73502
15Dekraii / Moore57.02501
16Tanguay / Brooks55.1750
17Sabella / McCormanckDNW
Total80 /0


Ramp: single ramp, good parking, heavy boat/kayak traffic end of day
Water: stained, not dirty. Water Temp 82.83 degrees
Weeds: Scattered in some areas
Weather: Sunny, clear, light occasional breeze

Lunker of the day:  Mike Welch / Alex Burke  – 5.53 LM