Big Squam Lake Tournament Results – August 4, 2013

Bob Goss and nine other anglers braved the brisk winds on Big Squam Lake tournament trying to position their boats in their favorite fishing areas. Bob’s five fish weighing in at 10.85 lead the field and his 3.30 lb largemouth earned him the lunker of the day.

First Place:  Bob Goss
Lunker of the day:  Bob Goss with a 3.30 lb largemouth.

PlaceMember Name# FishNet WeightLunkerLM / SMDOA (-0.8 oz)
1Bob Goss510.853.302 / 3
2John DiStefano59.245 / 01
3Ivan Sullivan59.181 / 4
4Alex Murray36.460 / 3
5Paul Hatin45.813 / 1
6Matt Titus44.453 / 1
7Wes Robertson24.193.072 / 02 / 0
8Jack Brooks22.880 / 2
9Andy Tanguay22.880 / 2
10Frank Campisi22.180 / 2
Total Fish: 16 / 18Penalties: 1

Ramp: Double ramp access for easy launch.  Parking across the street.
Water: Clear.  Avg water temp 77 degrees.
Weeds: Very few.
Weather: Clear most of the day but with a brisk wind.  Mini rain storm rolled-in in the afternoon.