Lake Ossipee Tournament Results – August 4, 2024

Lake Ossippe was the latest tournament in the MVBM Tournament Series.  This tournament was a single’s competition and saw eight anglers attend.  Stats are seen below.

Angler NameTotal FishWeightLunkerLM / SM
1Brian Norton512.535.81 LM3/2
2Jon Duclos512.214.21 SM4/1
3Jeff Moore510.794.14 LM4/1
4Brad Dekraai59.532.46 SM4/1
5Mike Doherty10.930/1
6John DiStefanoDNW
7Erik SavoiaDNW
8Larry SavoiaDNW
Total 19/6

Ramp: paved concrete $15.00/boat ramp fee
Water: 80 degrees
Weeds: light-moderate
Weather: Heavy morning fog, winds, and hard rain for most of the morning. The afternoon was cloudy with intermittent rain. Mid 70’s

Tourney Lunkers

Brian Norton 5.81 lb Largemouth – Jon Duclos 4.21 lb Smallmouth

Brian Norton 5.81 LM
Brian Norton 5.81 LM
Jon D 4.21 SM Lunker
Jon D 4.21 SM Lunker