Lake Massasecum Tournament Results – October 10, 2010

This late season tournament saw temperatures in the mid 40’s to low 50’s.  Strong winds throughout the day pushing anglers around but did not deter their motivation to seek out the bass.  Alex Murray, with his three fish creel weighing in a 5.05 pounds earned him the top angler in this tournament.  Alex also had the lunker of the day with a 2.03 lb largemouth.

First Place:  Alex Murray
Lunker of the day:  Alex Murray with a 2.03 lb largemouth.

PlaceMember Name# FishNet WeightLunkerLM / SMDOA (-0.8 oz)
1Alex Murray35.052.033 / 0
2Dave Swimm33.123 / 01
3Frank Campisi23.093 / 0
4Andy Tanguay22.041 / 1
5John DiStefano21.151 / 1
6Earl Howard11.011 / 0
7Jack Brooks10.151 / 0
Paul Grages0
Matt Woodsum0
Joe Campisi0
Ivan Sullivan0
Total Fish: 12 / 2Penalties: 1

Ramp: Fair condition. Steep launch and load. Fair turn-a-round, Very limited parking on the street/highway.
Water: Clear to stained. Avg water temp. 58-60 degrees.
weds: In shallow areas.  Moderate spread.
Weather: Good conditions overall.  Ait temp. mid 40’s to loe 50’s. Clear skies with moderate to strong winds throughout the day.